2012年12月3日 星期一

new app : Chameleon Player

chameleon player is a music player for Android , you can change Player Panel by yourself
, or switch Panel and icon mode to give your player more style.

Make a unique music player for yours.


1. change player style for icon and Panel
2. change player style for widget
3. change fonts color
4. select image from your phone to change player panel
5. Multilingualized

we will update more panel item.



命斷陰陽路 -LEMON TREE PASSAG- 支離破碎

  中文片名:命斷陰陽路 英文片名: LEMON TREE PASSAGE 上映日期: 2017 觀影地點: friDay 影音 劇情簡介: 兩個澳洲青年帶著幾個美國背包客去見識澳洲有名的都市景點 - 檸檬樹小道!在那裏會有一個機車騎士的靈魂提醒著年輕駕駛放慢速度開車。在實際見到...